Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Connecting in Vain


By Lee Siew Hua

Tanjong Pagar Correspondent

EQUIPPED with laptop and lots of notes, service manager Loke Mun Wah is trying to do some work at Spinelli. “I can see the network but I can’t log on,’’ he grouses.

That’s him on the left side of the photo, snapped on the ground floor of Amara Shopping Centre. My photograph, sadly, is as fuzzy as Spinelli’s wireless connection.

For a more reliable connection, Mr Loke recommends Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at the CPF Building.

But not all is lost. His double espresso is good. “My trusty afternoon fix,’’ he says, emptying the cup and, finally, managing a smile.


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It's Your Turn:

Tell us your own story of being in a wireless funk, and share your best tips.

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