Friday, June 5, 2009

The future of media

Here's a true ocean of possibilities that I am now alive to. This external flip keyboard is making a MoJo – Mobile Journalist - out of me. I am filing this using the Nokia N95 and popping it into my gmail account.

That’s what I sent a moment ago as an mms, after a couple of false starts. Then I prettied it up a little on LiveWriter, using the block quote and my editing eye. And of course inserting hyperlinks. (At the end of this, I can also add new elements or pizzazz with blogger.)

These are the gems: Nokia N95 phone and Nokia super-portable keyboard.


And here’s where I filed from: Tanjong Pagar.

What’s cool too is that GPS can be embedded in our online stories!


Source: Google Earth

So why MoJo?

Is it going to keep print journalists and other msm in our jobs? Does it add value, speed and new life to journalism?

There is industry interest in MoJo, for a start. Reuters and Nokia started a Mobile Journalism Project in 2007.

Besides journalists covering hot spots and doing hyper-local journalism, I think the regular journalist can also serve readers by being fleet-footed with news, pictures and opinions. Trying for the next level is a worthwhile challenge.

Of course, stay mindful of pitfalls. Inaccuracies, bias and other pitfalls. These also beset msm, but they can be magnified when a MoJo is competing on speed with little time to confirm facts. Dedicated editors or checkers can be one line of defence. Credibility is a journalistic core asset.


We can keep thinking about the advent of mobile journalism and related trends. Here’s an RSS Feed from John Strauss, who has a blog on Mobile Journalism.

Indeed, print journalists from reputable newspapers have transitioned to mobile journalism.

My verdict so far

Online journalism is an adventurous ride, powered by gadgets, software and the purest journalistic instincts combining news sense - and a perpetual quest for what’s new and meaningful. Old values given a lively new twist. What’s not to like?

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