Thursday, June 4, 2009

RSS Hunger

1. Relish sharp political commentary? The Online Citizen is a good place to start. It will comment copiously, whether on Temasek’s stratospheric losses or media failtures.



2. You’ll enjoy Catherine Lim too.  The social critic and literary diva who boldly analysed the Great Affective Divide between the Singapore government and citizens is still opining, her words coolly barbed and humorous.



3 & 4. Of course, for the staples, get The Straits Times and Channel News Asia.

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5. Google News is a buffet for news junkies.



6. BBC News and Reuters are capable for world news.


7. In the US, Slate is lots of irreverent fun whether it comments on Washington foibles, books or technology. No end of quirky stuff with a political bite. Did you know that the federal government funded cookbook writers during the Depression? Slate, if you didn’t already know it, was born on the Microsoft campus.


8 & 9. Also in the US, click your way around New York Times, which has plunked down millions to fire up its Web presence. I like The Washington Post, the local and sort-of-global paper of the US superpower capital and my hometown of 10.5 years.


10. For comment-y websites that pull us into the world of ideas, start with New America Foundation and Brookings Institution.


11. ConvergedMedia – My lessons on RSS Feeds, Twitter, Mashups and more!

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